Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Went to Jasin

I went to Jasin this morning to withdraw money from bank to buy a honey bee. Recently, I start to take honey before go to bed so that my body not feeling cold when I’m sleeping. After that, I went to BSN to deposit money for Uitm e-application for Disember 2007 intake.

It’s a little bit disappointed because Uitm didn’t offer the course that I want to apply this semester. After discussing with my wife, I decided to apply a social science course. Actually, I also have a passion in a social science. The career opportunity is also wide in this course.

After deposited some money, my stomach is grouchy. So I stop at Haja Café to buy some food. I take away my food and eat it in my office with my partner. That all for today’s story. I don’t have any ideas to write anymore.

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